The face in the mountain was really cool. It had eyelashes made from some bushes! :) They don't know if it was man-made, or if it is natural. It was very deceiving because there were some other rocks that looked like turtles or other animals and they had fences around them, but we almost missed the face! There was no sign or anything to show us where it was. It was a tough walk getting there, but it was very cool looking. Rachel
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Ingapirca ruins!
My mom and I went to Ingapirca (which is in Ecuador) on Oct. 27. We had a lot of fun! Ingapirca is considered to be the most important ruins in Ecuador, and it is about 45 minutes away from Canar (by bus at least). Right at the beginning of the ruins, there were llamas! We were able to get a picture of one of them, and my mom said it was very photogenic. :) The photo above is the "Temple of the Sun", where the Incas worshiped the sun. There was a very beautiful view of the valleys from up there. It was kind of a dangerous place to walk, though, and one time I fell. I didn't get hurt too bad, but it wasn't much fun!
When we were walking to a part of a mountain that looks like a face, it was quite funny because this little dog would guide us around. It would go ahead of us, and when we stopped to take pictures and stuff, it would come back to us.
The face in the mountain was really cool. It had eyelashes made from some bushes! :) They don't know if it was man-made, or if it is natural. It was very deceiving because there were some other rocks that looked like turtles or other animals and they had fences around them, but we almost missed the face! There was no sign or anything to show us where it was. It was a tough walk getting there, but it was very cool looking. Rachel
The face in the mountain was really cool. It had eyelashes made from some bushes! :) They don't know if it was man-made, or if it is natural. It was very deceiving because there were some other rocks that looked like turtles or other animals and they had fences around them, but we almost missed the face! There was no sign or anything to show us where it was. It was a tough walk getting there, but it was very cool looking. Rachel
Making Plans
After working with the Quichua translation team all day Tuesday, there was still an issue of word breaks that needed to be addressed. Quichua words can be very long, with as many as five suffixes on one word. So Tuesday evening Brian spent several hours on the computer, figuring out a way to break the words correctly. Wednesday morning he showed the team what he had worked on, and they were extremely happy with the results.
Now the translation is finished! In a few months, three different examples or layouts of one of the books will be sent to the team. From those, they can decide which one they prefer. After that, they'll get one book at a time as it's being typeset. This gives them one last chance to proof-read the translation and make any final corrections. If all goes well, within a year the completed Bibles should arrive in time for their dedication. Considering that only about 500 languages around the world have the entire Bible, this is truly a major accomplishment and celebration.
Allow me to share a little about making plans and having those plans change.
This is how we thought our last day in Canar would go:
Brian would work with the team from 8:30-10:30 in the morning. Rachel and I were going to do a few hours of school, then meet him at the translation office at 10:20. We’d have a short time of prayer with the team, then we’d check out of the hotel and catch an 11:00 bus for Guayaquil. We were told the bus ride would take about 5 hours, so we’d get to our hotel in Guayaquil around 5:00 or 6:00 at the latest.
This is how our day really turned out:
The first part of the day went as scheduled. Brian did go to work with the team on the word break issue from 8:30-10:30. Rachel and I did some school work, then went to the translation office around 10:20. As soon as we got there, Manuel and Oliva, two of the three translators, left to record their weekly Quichua radio program. We had gone with them the previous week, and the recording took about half an hour, so we figured we were still okay schedule-wise.
While we waited for them to return, we sat and talked with Reinaldo about the translation project. He mentioned that when everyone returned we’d have some coffee (so far so good), and that Oliva had prepared cuy, or guinea pig, for us as a special treat (uh-uh). We really thought we’d get by without eating this Quichua staple, but it looked like our luck ran out.
11:00 came and went, 11:30 came and went, and still the rest of the team hadn’t returned. Finally, since we had to be checke
d out of our hotel by 12:00, Brian went with Reinaldo to pick up our suitcases. The other translators finally came back, but soon left again. Finally around 12:30 everyone was back and our lunch was ready. And what a feast it was! Yes, it included cuy (which, according to Rachel, does NOT taste like chicken), soup, rice, potatoes, and corn.
Then they brought out coffee and a beautifully decorated cake that said, “Dios te bendiga, Brian” (God bless you, Brian). One by one, they went around the table and expressed their gratitude to Brian for the computer assistance he had given them over the past few years. It was deeply
touching to see how appreciative they were. When Manuel got done speaking, he handed Brian a gift, a typical Quichua hat, which Brian had been eying and commenting on all week. After Oliva spoke, she presented me with a beautiful Quichua blouse that she had made.
It was very meaningful and touching to not only spend two weeks working with these incredible Christians and to see their sacrifice and determination to complete this project, but to also share this very special time with them.
Finally, around 1:30, Manuel took us to the main road where the buses to Guayquil stop. Despite assurances that the buses pass by “all the time”, we waited until almost 2:20 before finally boarding the bus we needed. The scenery on the way to Guayaquil was gorgeous and a reminder of how incredibly diverse and spectacular the country of Ecuador is.
Right at 6:00, the bus pulled into the terminal, and soon we were on our way to the hotel. Traffic was hectic, but by 7:00 we were in our room, remembering and relishing the events of the day.
Did the day turn out the way we thought it would? Not at all. Were there times of frustration and impatience as we wanted to get going and couldn’t? Of course. But would we have wanted to miss any of it? Not for a second. What God had planned for the day turned out so much better than what we had planned. Why is that sometimes so hard to remember? Donna
Now the translation is finished! In a few months, three different examples or layouts of one of the books will be sent to the team. From those, they can decide which one they prefer. After that, they'll get one book at a time as it's being typeset. This gives them one last chance to proof-read the translation and make any final corrections. If all goes well, within a year the completed Bibles should arrive in time for their dedication. Considering that only about 500 languages around the world have the entire Bible, this is truly a major accomplishment and celebration.
Allow me to share a little about making plans and having those plans change.
This is how we thought our last day in Canar would go:
Brian would work with the team from 8:30-10:30 in the morning. Rachel and I were going to do a few hours of school, then meet him at the translation office at 10:20. We’d have a short time of prayer with the team, then we’d check out of the hotel and catch an 11:00 bus for Guayaquil. We were told the bus ride would take about 5 hours, so we’d get to our hotel in Guayaquil around 5:00 or 6:00 at the latest.
This is how our day really turned out:
The first part of the day went as scheduled. Brian did go to work with the team on the word break issue from 8:30-10:30. Rachel and I did some school work, then went to the translation office around 10:20. As soon as we got there, Manuel and Oliva, two of the three translators, left to record their weekly Quichua radio program. We had gone with them the previous week, and the recording took about half an hour, so we figured we were still okay schedule-wise.
While we waited for them to return, we sat and talked with Reinaldo about the translation project. He mentioned that when everyone returned we’d have some coffee (so far so good), and that Oliva had prepared cuy, or guinea pig, for us as a special treat (uh-uh). We really thought we’d get by without eating this Quichua staple, but it looked like our luck ran out.
11:00 came and went, 11:30 came and went, and still the rest of the team hadn’t returned. Finally, since we had to be checke
Then they brought out coffee and a beautifully decorated cake that said, “Dios te bendiga, Brian” (God bless you, Brian). One by one, they went around the table and expressed their gratitude to Brian for the computer assistance he had given them over the past few years. It was deeply
It was very meaningful and touching to not only spend two weeks working with these incredible Christians and to see their sacrifice and determination to complete this project, but to also share this very special time with them.
Finally, around 1:30, Manuel took us to the main road where the buses to Guayquil stop. Despite assurances that the buses pass by “all the time”, we waited until almost 2:20 before finally boarding the bus we needed. The scenery on the way to Guayaquil was gorgeous and a reminder of how incredibly diverse and spectacular the country of Ecuador is.
Right at 6:00, the bus pulled into the terminal, and soon we were on our way to the hotel. Traffic was hectic, but by 7:00 we were in our room, remembering and relishing the events of the day.
Did the day turn out the way we thought it would? Not at all. Were there times of frustration and impatience as we wanted to get going and couldn’t? Of course. But would we have wanted to miss any of it? Not for a second. What God had planned for the day turned out so much better than what we had planned. Why is that sometimes so hard to remember? Donna
Monday, October 26, 2009
Back in Canar
We are back in Canar after spending the weekend in Cuenca. We could've stayed here this weekend, but we decided we needed a little L&I (as opposed to R&R). Our weekend was spent during Laundry and Internet. We hadn't done much laundry for two weeks, so we were in almost desperate need of a laundromat. I tried to do some things by hand, but Canar was so wet and cold last week that even the smallest things took forever to dry. I wasn't even going to try blue jeans and sweaters! So we found a laundromat and in an hour and a half everything was clean, dry and folded. Now we look and smell a lot better! There was one casualty, though, in our laundry efforts. Somehow I lost my Grand Tetons t-shirt. I must've left it in the dryer or something because I can't find it anywhere. I'll just have to go shopping, I guess.
We also spent a lot of time on the internet since the hotel in Cuenca had wireless and we don't have that here in Canar. Brian didn't have a chance to check his e-mail all week, and he had over 75 work-related e-mails that needed his attention. So he spent several hours responding to those, Rachel spent a few hours on YouTube, and I was able to download pictures and make some Skype calls.
In addition to L and I we also walked around the colonial city of Cuenca quite a bit. We even took a 1 1/2 hour tour on a double-decker tour bus. We spent all of 30 seconds on the top level before it started raining, but we still got to see many of the city's sights (see our pictures on Facebook).
Sunday afternoon we took the 2 hour bus ride back to Canar and are here now for a few more days. Brian is very excited about the Quichua de Canar project. If all goes well, the translators will be giving him the completed text when we leave on Wednesday. They started the New Testament 19 years ago and finished it about 9 years ago. The main translator, Reinaldo, wasn't sure he had the energy to begin the Old Testament at that point. But after reading a translation book, was re-energized to continue translating. Now they are days away from finishing it. Brian has been helping them with word breaks, sub-titles, spell check, and all of the other last-minute details needing attention. It's exciting to think that within a year, this Bible will be translated for the nearly 100,000 Quichua de Canar speakers.
We have quite a bit of traveling in the next couple of weeks. Wednesday we take the 4-hour bus ride back to Guayaquil, where we'll spend the night. Thursday we fly from Guayaquil to Mexico City, where we'll spend 3 nights. Brian will be meeting with people from the Mexican Bible Society regarding several projects in the country. Then for 5 days we'll be working with the Purepacha translation, which Brian has never been to before. Then on to some R&R for a week, and finally to Chiapas around November 16. As always, thanks for coming along with us on this journey and we pray that God is blessing you wherever you are! Donna
We also spent a lot of time on the internet since the hotel in Cuenca had wireless and we don't have that here in Canar. Brian didn't have a chance to check his e-mail all week, and he had over 75 work-related e-mails that needed his attention. So he spent several hours responding to those, Rachel spent a few hours on YouTube, and I was able to download pictures and make some Skype calls.
In addition to L and I we also walked around the colonial city of Cuenca quite a bit. We even took a 1 1/2 hour tour on a double-decker tour bus. We spent all of 30 seconds on the top level before it started raining, but we still got to see many of the city's sights (see our pictures on Facebook).
Sunday afternoon we took the 2 hour bus ride back to Canar and are here now for a few more days. Brian is very excited about the Quichua de Canar project. If all goes well, the translators will be giving him the completed text when we leave on Wednesday. They started the New Testament 19 years ago and finished it about 9 years ago. The main translator, Reinaldo, wasn't sure he had the energy to begin the Old Testament at that point. But after reading a translation book, was re-energized to continue translating. Now they are days away from finishing it. Brian has been helping them with word breaks, sub-titles, spell check, and all of the other last-minute details needing attention. It's exciting to think that within a year, this Bible will be translated for the nearly 100,000 Quichua de Canar speakers.
We have quite a bit of traveling in the next couple of weeks. Wednesday we take the 4-hour bus ride back to Guayaquil, where we'll spend the night. Thursday we fly from Guayaquil to Mexico City, where we'll spend 3 nights. Brian will be meeting with people from the Mexican Bible Society regarding several projects in the country. Then for 5 days we'll be working with the Purepacha translation, which Brian has never been to before. Then on to some R&R for a week, and finally to Chiapas around November 16. As always, thanks for coming along with us on this journey and we pray that God is blessing you wherever you are! Donna
Friday, October 23, 2009
Ecuador and Sioux Center comparisons!
Sioux Center, when you are walking, it is very flat. But in Ecuador, you're in the mountains, so it's a lot steeper. Not the best place to be rolling your luggage 8 blocks (all uphill) trying to find your hotel.
Ice cream:
Almost every other store here is an ice cream shop. It is very easy to find ice cream after a good day of school. :)
Most of the time in Sioux Center, they give you menus at restaurants (here they don't). They don't give rice with every single meal or have cuy (guinea pig) on the menu. Also, there are usually more than 3 tables in the restaurants.
Here, you can sleep in until 9 o' clock and still get plenty done by noon. :) It is very nice.
Most of the people here speak either Spanish or Quichua, so you don't hear very much English. :(
(P.S. My parents can't stop talking about the prices here, since everything is very cheap, like $1.75 for a 3-course meal, $30 a night for a hotel, and 90 cents for an hour of internet.)
Sioux Center, when you are walking, it is very flat. But in Ecuador, you're in the mountains, so it's a lot steeper. Not the best place to be rolling your luggage 8 blocks (all uphill) trying to find your hotel.
Almost every other store here is an ice cream shop. It is very easy to find ice cream after a good day of school. :)
Most of the time in Sioux Center, they give you menus at restaurants (here they don't). They don't give rice with every single meal or have cuy (guinea pig) on the menu. Also, there are usually more than 3 tables in the restaurants.
Here, you can sleep in until 9 o' clock and still get plenty done by noon. :) It is very nice.
Most of the people here speak either Spanish or Quichua, so you don't hear very much English. :(
(P.S. My parents can't stop talking about the prices here, since everything is very cheap, like $1.75 for a 3-course meal, $30 a night for a hotel, and 90 cents for an hour of internet.)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Just a quick update on where we´re at now. (Rachel thinks my blogs are too long, so this will be short). We left Lima, Peru, on Saturday with a short 2 hour flight to Guayaquil, Ecuador. We went right to the bus station and got on a bus for the 4 hour ride to Cuenca. The scenery was gorgeous as we ascended from Guayaquil, through the Parque Nacional Cajas, and finally into Cuenca. We spent a relaxing Saturday evening and Sunday in Cuenca. We were able to walk to a nearby grocery store and shopping center, and also to the city´s main plaza. Monday morning we were back on the road again, taking the 1 1/2 hour bus ride to Canar. After a quick lunch, Brian went right to work with the translation team, and Rachel and I did our school work. Our hotel is very nice, but it doesn´t have internet access, so we go to an internet cafe for that. It´s not far from the hotel, so it´s not a problem (just not as convenient as we´re used to). Today we had lunch with Brian and one of the translators. I´ll write more about the Quichua translation team and project later this week. (Gotta keep this short, you know!) This weekend, when we can use our own computers again, we´ll post pictures of our bus ride and this very scenic town. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers! Donna
Friday, October 16, 2009
Back in Lima
Well, we're back in Lima once again. Our time in Ayacucho was very enjoyable and Brian felt good about the work they got done. There are several different Quechua languages, totaling 10 million speakers. Quechua de Ayacucho has over 1 million speakers. They have had the Bible in their language for several years, and now they're doing a revision. The four translators began their work in January of this year and plan to finish the project in 3 years. Brian was able to get Paratext 7 set up for them and train them in it. All of the projects Brian is involved in are exciting, but it's particularly exciting to see projects of this magnitude that could reach such a great number of readers.
By the way, we goofed big time on this trip. We had left some of our luggage at the hotel in Lima because the airline we took to Ayacucho was very fussy about over-weight bags. So we just took the absolute necessities. Unfortunately, we didn't take the camera charger, and of course, after taking only a few pictures in Ayacucho, the battery was dead. So we apologize for not being able to send more pictures. There were certainly several times when we wanted the camera!
We left our hotel in Ayacucho this morning at 6:00 (another early morning - woohoo!), and landed in Lima 8:20. We got our luggage right away, and there was a taxi waiting to take us to the hotel. So we thought we'd have lots of time to relax at the hotel, but that didn't exactly happen. It's supposed to be about a 25 minute ride, but instead it took over an hour. Crazy city traffic! I'm just glad we weren't the ones driving!
After checking in to the same hotel we were in last weekend (same hotel, different room), we grabbed a quick breakfast, showered, and were back out the door at 11:00 to go to the Bible Society office. It was neat meeting everyone at the office and learning a bit about the work they're involved in. Tonight one of the ladies from the office is going to go with us on a tour of the city. We didn't see very much of Lima last weekend when we were here, so that should be fun.
Tomorrow morning we leave for Guayaquil, Ecuador. From Guayaquil, we take a four-hour bus ride to Cuenca. We'll stay there Saturday night and Sunday night, and then take another bus to Canar on Monday morning. We don't leave Ecuador until the following Thursday (October 29), so we will have several days to work with the Quichua team as they near the completion of their project. From there, we will spend a few days in Mexico City working at the Mexican Bible Society office, followed by a week working with the Purepacha translation project. So our travels are far from over!
As always, we deeply appreciate your prayers for the projects, the translators, and our travels and health. Thanks for joining us in these travels! Donna
By the way, we goofed big time on this trip. We had left some of our luggage at the hotel in Lima because the airline we took to Ayacucho was very fussy about over-weight bags. So we just took the absolute necessities. Unfortunately, we didn't take the camera charger, and of course, after taking only a few pictures in Ayacucho, the battery was dead. So we apologize for not being able to send more pictures. There were certainly several times when we wanted the camera!
We left our hotel in Ayacucho this morning at 6:00 (another early morning - woohoo!), and landed in Lima 8:20. We got our luggage right away, and there was a taxi waiting to take us to the hotel. So we thought we'd have lots of time to relax at the hotel, but that didn't exactly happen. It's supposed to be about a 25 minute ride, but instead it took over an hour. Crazy city traffic! I'm just glad we weren't the ones driving!
After checking in to the same hotel we were in last weekend (same hotel, different room), we grabbed a quick breakfast, showered, and were back out the door at 11:00 to go to the Bible Society office. It was neat meeting everyone at the office and learning a bit about the work they're involved in. Tonight one of the ladies from the office is going to go with us on a tour of the city. We didn't see very much of Lima last weekend when we were here, so that should be fun.
Tomorrow morning we leave for Guayaquil, Ecuador. From Guayaquil, we take a four-hour bus ride to Cuenca. We'll stay there Saturday night and Sunday night, and then take another bus to Canar on Monday morning. We don't leave Ecuador until the following Thursday (October 29), so we will have several days to work with the Quichua team as they near the completion of their project. From there, we will spend a few days in Mexico City working at the Mexican Bible Society office, followed by a week working with the Purepacha translation project. So our travels are far from over!
As always, we deeply appreciate your prayers for the projects, the translators, and our travels and health. Thanks for joining us in these travels! Donna
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Birthday Celebration
"I'll never forget this birthday,” Brian said Wednesday after the Ayacucho translation team threw him a birthday party. The translation team had been working all morning on Paratext 7 training, and it was time for their morning break. Ricardo, the translation coordinator, had invited Rachel and me to spend the morning at the Bible Society office so that we could enjoy the festivities. His wife bought a birthday cake and prepared a typical Peruvian coconut-flavored hot beverage. The day before was the birthday of German, one of the other translators, so the party was for both him and Brian. After a birthday song in Spanish, the guys got to blow out the candles and open presents. Brian received a beautiful and colorful Ayacucho wall-hanging. We then had a great time of fellowship around the table, enjoying not only the cake and drink, but even more so the fellowship of these believers. They commented that instead of getting older, the guys were that much closer to heaven. What a great visual for a Christian!
The team finished work for the day around 12:45, and we went to a typical Peruvian restaurant for lunch. For less than $2, we had a bowl of quinua soup, rice, salad, meat and juice. (After such expensive meals on other parts of our trip, we're loving these prices!)
With our stomachs full, our adventures for the day continued. One of the translators had hired a man from his church to take us sight-seeing in his van. So the driver, his wife and two daughters, Ricardo and his wife and daughter, 3 of the translators, Brian, Rachel and I set out. For almost an hour we steadily climbed to a small town called Quinua. Outside of the town there was an obelisk commemorating the Battle of Ayacucho. It was fascinating hearing the
history of the battle that claimed thousands of lives and ensured the freedom for all of South America. The obelisk, built in 1974 on the 150th anniversary of the battle, sits on a pampa or plateau. We were told that on the anniversary of the battle in December, thousands of people come to visit the pampa and see the battle recreated. On this day, however, we were practically the only tourists. Several times we were approached by local kids saying that they would sing for us. The translators had a great time asking the kids to sing certain songs in Quechua, then explaining the songs to us.
After seeing the obelisk, we drove into the town of Quinua, which is famous for its ceramics. We did some shopping, then stopped at the Wari Archaeological Complex. It really was closed for the day, but the gentleman let us into the museum to see the various artifacts of the ancient Wari culture. We didn't get a chance to visit the archaeological site because of the time, but instead headed back down to Ayacucho. It was gorgeous scenery, and as always, so interesting traveling with the translators and learning from them.
Brian ended his special day with a delicious trout dinner, then back to the hotel to read birthday greetings and make some phone calls. He appreciated so much all of your thoughts and prayers to make this a very memorable birthday! Donna
The team finished work for the day around 12:45, and we went to a typical Peruvian restaurant for lunch. For less than $2, we had a bowl of quinua soup, rice, salad, meat and juice. (After such expensive meals on other parts of our trip, we're loving these prices!)
With our stomachs full, our adventures for the day continued. One of the translators had hired a man from his church to take us sight-seeing in his van. So the driver, his wife and two daughters, Ricardo and his wife and daughter, 3 of the translators, Brian, Rachel and I set out. For almost an hour we steadily climbed to a small town called Quinua. Outside of the town there was an obelisk commemorating the Battle of Ayacucho. It was fascinating hearing the
history of the battle that claimed thousands of lives and ensured the freedom for all of South America. The obelisk, built in 1974 on the 150th anniversary of the battle, sits on a pampa or plateau. We were told that on the anniversary of the battle in December, thousands of people come to visit the pampa and see the battle recreated. On this day, however, we were practically the only tourists. Several times we were approached by local kids saying that they would sing for us. The translators had a great time asking the kids to sing certain songs in Quechua, then explaining the songs to us.
After seeing the obelisk, we drove into the town of Quinua, which is famous for its ceramics. We did some shopping, then stopped at the Wari Archaeological Complex. It really was closed for the day, but the gentleman let us into the museum to see the various artifacts of the ancient Wari culture. We didn't get a chance to visit the archaeological site because of the time, but instead headed back down to Ayacucho. It was gorgeous scenery, and as always, so interesting traveling with the translators and learning from them.
Brian ended his special day with a delicious trout dinner, then back to the hotel to read birthday greetings and make some phone calls. He appreciated so much all of your thoughts and prayers to make this a very memorable birthday! Donna
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Awesome Things about Ayacucho
- It is believed that a group called the Huari Culture lived in this area more than 15,000 years ago, even before the Incas.
- The Battle of Ayacucho in 1824 granted the independence for not only Peru, but all of South America.
- The city was first named Ayacucho, then San Juan de la Frontera de Huamanga (St. John on the Huamanga Frontier), then La Muy Noble y Leal Ciudad de Huamanga, and finally in 1825 back to Ayacucho.
- The name Ayacucho has two possible meanings from the Quechua language: either death (aya) and corner (cucho), or purple (kuchu) and soul (aya).
- There are approximately 1-2 million speakers of the Quechua de Ayacucho language.
- Ayacucho has an elevation of over 9,000 feet and is surrounded by the Andes Mountains.
- Ayacucho is known for its 33 churches, which stand for all of the years of Jesus' life. That's why its nickname is "The City of Churches."
(P.S. it hails here.)
(P.P.S. it's hailing right now. It's really cool because it bounces off the roofs. hehe)
- The Battle of Ayacucho in 1824 granted the independence for not only Peru, but all of South America.
- The city was first named Ayacucho, then San Juan de la Frontera de Huamanga (St. John on the Huamanga Frontier), then La Muy Noble y Leal Ciudad de Huamanga, and finally in 1825 back to Ayacucho.
- The name Ayacucho has two possible meanings from the Quechua language: either death (aya) and corner (cucho), or purple (kuchu) and soul (aya).
- There are approximately 1-2 million speakers of the Quechua de Ayacucho language.
- Ayacucho has an elevation of over 9,000 feet and is surrounded by the Andes Mountains.
- Ayacucho is known for its 33 churches, which stand for all of the years of Jesus' life. That's why its nickname is "The City of Churches."
(P.S. it hails here.)
(P.P.S. it's hailing right now. It's really cool because it bounces off the roofs. hehe)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Final Europe and First Mexico & Peru misc. stuff!!!!!
This is just some miscellaneous stuff that we picked up during our latest trips:
-We have been through airport security 15 times now. Outside of the U.S. you don't have to take off your shoes; in the U.S. you have to take off your shoes. Every time we have to take off our belts and sweaters and take our computers out of our backpacks.
-Coke Zero is really popular in Europe. About the only pop we would ever see is Coke, Diet Coke and Coke Zero. No Mountain Dew or MelloYellow :(
-Inca Cola is a really popular pop in Peru. It tastes very good.
-Bread is served at almost every meal in Europe. One time in Turkey, we had a loaf of bread that could fit a football in it! It was huge and hollow inside.
-A lot of homeless cats roam the streets of Turkey. One time at a restaurant we went to, there was this one cat that jumped up on the chair next to us! It was very funny. :)
-There is no grass around Madrid, Spain. (well...almost no grass)
-There is this one department store in Lima named Ripley's. After seeing the prices, my dad said, "Can you believe it? Or not?"
-We never got lost in Turkey......but somehow we kept getting lost in Spain.
-There is a casino in Lima named Orange City. What a coincidence!
-Costa Rica has really good chocolate covered coffee beans. :) They give away free samples of them at the airport. But they are not so happy when you come back for more.
-We have been through airport security 15 times now. Outside of the U.S. you don't have to take off your shoes; in the U.S. you have to take off your shoes. Every time we have to take off our belts and sweaters and take our computers out of our backpacks.
-Coke Zero is really popular in Europe. About the only pop we would ever see is Coke, Diet Coke and Coke Zero. No Mountain Dew or MelloYellow :(
-Inca Cola is a really popular pop in Peru. It tastes very good.
-Bread is served at almost every meal in Europe. One time in Turkey, we had a loaf of bread that could fit a football in it! It was huge and hollow inside.
-A lot of homeless cats roam the streets of Turkey. One time at a restaurant we went to, there was this one cat that jumped up on the chair next to us! It was very funny. :)
-There is no grass around Madrid, Spain. (well...almost no grass)
-There is this one department store in Lima named Ripley's. After seeing the prices, my dad said, "Can you believe it? Or not?"
-We never got lost in Turkey......but somehow we kept getting lost in Spain.
-There is a casino in Lima named Orange City. What a coincidence!
-Costa Rica has really good chocolate covered coffee beans. :) They give away free samples of them at the airport. But they are not so happy when you come back for more.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The last few days have been filled with final farewells and preparations to be gone for several months. They've also been filled with all aspects of traveling - early morning trips to the airport, waiting in line, boarding passes, counting suitcases, security check-points, crowded airplanes, hotel shuttles, and finding things to do during the flights (as you can see in the picture of Rachel).
We left Sioux Center Friday morning at 7:00 AM. The first flight was from Omaha to Houston with a short connection in Houston. It got even shorter when we left Omaha half an hour late. So we ran through the airport to get to the gate. But
because of rainstorms in Houston, our next flight was also delayed, so that was a relief. After a two hour wait, we were finally on our way to Mexico City and our stopover for the night.
A woman from the Mexican Bible Society had graciously agreed to store a couple of our bigger suitcases for the weeks we're in South America, so she and her sister met us at the hotel. After an enjoyable supper with the two of them, we went back to the hotel and called it a night.
This morning (Saturday) started early with the alarm going off at 4:30 and a ride to the airport at 5:00. Check-in took quite awhile, and finally at 8:00 we were on our way to Costa Rica. After a short layover in the San Jose airport, we were on our final flight to Lima, Peru. One more round of customs, immigration, baggage claim, and a ride to the hotel, and we finally were checked-in at 4:30. During the immigration process, the officer asked us how long we were going to be in Peru. Brian wasn't sure, so he asked me, but I had no idea! We consoled ourselves with the fact that at least we knew which country we were in! That may not be the case in a few weeks.
After resting a little in the hotel (the picture is of Rachel in our 8th floor hotel room), we w
alked to a busy shopping center for supper. We'll be here in Lima tomorrow as well, and then another early morning flight on Monday morning to Ayacucho to work with the Quechua de Ayacucho translation team. We're anxious to see how much they've progressed with their project since Brian's last visit in January. Thanks for praying for each of the translation teams and the incredible work they're doing. We also appreciate prayers for our continued travel and good health.
Take care, Donna
We left Sioux Center Friday morning at 7:00 AM. The first flight was from Omaha to Houston with a short connection in Houston. It got even shorter when we left Omaha half an hour late. So we ran through the airport to get to the gate. But
A woman from the Mexican Bible Society had graciously agreed to store a couple of our bigger suitcases for the weeks we're in South America, so she and her sister met us at the hotel. After an enjoyable supper with the two of them, we went back to the hotel and called it a night.
This morning (Saturday) started early with the alarm going off at 4:30 and a ride to the airport at 5:00. Check-in took quite awhile, and finally at 8:00 we were on our way to Costa Rica. After a short layover in the San Jose airport, we were on our final flight to Lima, Peru. One more round of customs, immigration, baggage claim, and a ride to the hotel, and we finally were checked-in at 4:30. During the immigration process, the officer asked us how long we were going to be in Peru. Brian wasn't sure, so he asked me, but I had no idea! We consoled ourselves with the fact that at least we knew which country we were in! That may not be the case in a few weeks.
After resting a little in the hotel (the picture is of Rachel in our 8th floor hotel room), we w
Take care, Donna
Monday, October 5, 2009
Back in Iowa
We are back in Iowa for a few days between trips. It feels good to be home for a few days to worship at Carmel Church and see family and friends again. Although we're not sure about this 40 degree weather! It definitely changed seasons while we were gone.
This past week Brian worked with the Turkish Bible Society. The individuals who work there were incredibly hospitable to us as well as excited about the assistance Brian was able to give them. He worked with and trained four individuals on two different translation projects. The main project he worked on was a Kurdish translation. This New Testament was completed a few years ago, and now they're working on the Old Testament. The translators are hoping to finish it in the next 2-3 years.
Another translation Brian worked on was converting a Turkish text that had done over 300 years ago. This translation would be comparable to our King James Version and is still the preferred translation for many people. The text was not in a usable electronic format, so Brian spent several evenings converting it to Paratext. Now they'll be able to refer to both this translation and a newer Turkish translation while working on the Kurdish project. Also, it will be much easier to reprint it later in this format.
You may have noticed that while we were in Turkey we didn't give a lot of information about the work Brian was involved in.
Turkey is 98% Muslim with less than 1% Christian. Christianity is legal, but discrimination against Christians is relatively commonplace. One of the translators Brian worked with has been imprisoned 20 times in the past 25 years because his credentials say he's a Christian. He also was unable to get a passport for 5 years. Most of the people at the Bible Society office have had difficulty getting visas to travel to other countries. There is also discrimination against the Kurds. Until a few years ago, it was illegal to speak the Kurdish language. So please pray for the Turkish Bible Society and their situation. They also have many projects they would like to do, including a Turkish Children's Bible, and are hopeful funding will become available to complete them.
Our next trip is to Mexico and South America. We leave Friday (October 9) for one week in Peru, two weeks in Ecuador, and two weeks in central Mexico. Then around the middle of November we make our way down to Chiapas for a number of months. It will be good to be settled somewhere for more than a week at a time. And it will be even better being "back home" and working with the Tojolabal project once again after so many years.
As always, we appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we serve in the area of translation. We love your feedback and comments (hint hint!), so if there's ever anything you want us to write about, please let us know. Take care, Donna
This past week Brian worked with the Turkish Bible Society. The individuals who work there were incredibly hospitable to us as well as excited about the assistance Brian was able to give them. He worked with and trained four individuals on two different translation projects. The main project he worked on was a Kurdish translation. This New Testament was completed a few years ago, and now they're working on the Old Testament. The translators are hoping to finish it in the next 2-3 years.
Another translation Brian worked on was converting a Turkish text that had done over 300 years ago. This translation would be comparable to our King James Version and is still the preferred translation for many people. The text was not in a usable electronic format, so Brian spent several evenings converting it to Paratext. Now they'll be able to refer to both this translation and a newer Turkish translation while working on the Kurdish project. Also, it will be much easier to reprint it later in this format.
You may have noticed that while we were in Turkey we didn't give a lot of information about the work Brian was involved in.
Our next trip is to Mexico and South America. We leave Friday (October 9) for one week in Peru, two weeks in Ecuador, and two weeks in central Mexico. Then around the middle of November we make our way down to Chiapas for a number of months. It will be good to be settled somewhere for more than a week at a time. And it will be even better being "back home" and working with the Tojolabal project once again after so many years.
As always, we appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we serve in the area of translation. We love your feedback and comments (hint hint!), so if there's ever anything you want us to write about, please let us know. Take care, Donna
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