Tuesday, December 8, 2009


   Random things we have learned the past weeks in Chiapas........

-We can walk one block and get freshly made tortillas. :) Yum!

-Coke is very popular in Mexico; Pepsi not so much. You very, very occasionally see Dr. Pepper and 7-Up, and never Mellow Yellow, Mtn. Dew, or Mr. Pibb.
-Sunday brunches happen a lot here, but they do not start until 1 or 2 pm.
-You can find a lot of places selling tamales on Saturday night.  Some of the kinds are mole, azafran, chicken, pork, frijoles, and many more. My favorites are azafran and chicken.
-Occasionally there are loud bursts of fireworks going off, and it scares me a lot!
-The streets and the sidewalks are not even, and so it makes walking very difficult.
-There are a lot of bakeries selling all different kinds of bread. A bread that is very popular here is Pan Coleto, a sugary, cookie type of bread.
-Most of the streets are one way because they are quite narrow. If there is red arrow, then the cross street has the right of way. If there is a black arrow, then you go first.

-There is one big grocery store, a couple medium sized ones, and a lot of little ones, including lots of fruit and vegetable stands.
-If you hear a clanging sound going by, it's the gas truck. It goes by several times each day.
-If you hear the "Mission Impossible" song, it's the water truck selling big containers of drinking water. It also goes by several times a day.
-If you hear a cow bell, it's the garbage truck. This goes by only once a day, and it's in the morning.
-Graffiti is on a lot of the houses and stores around here.  I'm not very observant, but my mom thinks there's more graffiti every day! 



  1. NO MELLO YELLOW? What?? Just kidding - I can't believe anyone would drink something with that name. BTW, do they use real moles in the tamales - just kidding again. (And just to keep your record going - I looked up azafran.) I wonder why they use the Mission Impossible theme for a water truck; that song reminds me of matches or fuses. So is the graffiti interesting? Saying something obscene? Do people mind? Do they try to get it off? So many questions!!

  2. Sorry I made you look up another word in the dictionary! Some of the graffiti is interesting, but most of it I don't understand, or I don't analyze too closely. People seem to be constantly painting over the graffiti on their walls, but I think it's a losing battle. Rachel didn't mention that a different water company uses the "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" theme song. I think that's pretty humorous because I really don't want that water bottle falling on my head.

  3. So many interesting facts. All of the different sounds that one notices-
    does it seem noisy there. With all of the noise I would think it would be hard to take a siesta (Did I spell that right?). Anyway I do so enjoy all of your writings. Rachel you and your mom make me feel like I am right their with you. Thanks for being so desciptive:)


  4. I don't think any amount of noise could keep Rachel from a siesta, she is the nap QUEEN. When she's not busy watching football that is :)

  5. Great observations, Rachel. Who knew that different trucks would have their own bell sounds? I'm interested in the sugary, cookie type of bread. Bread is a weakness of mine, and one that tastes like a cookie would be particularly deadly!

  6. haha, I like how they use the Mission Impossible theme song...what does azafran taste like?
