Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sunday morning

   We had a very fun day Sunday! We went to a church with Vern and Carla Sterk. They were missionaries  for several years in Chiapas. They are now retired, but they come down here a couple times a year. The church service was in the Maya language, Tzotzil. It was very interesting going to church and singing some of the songs in Tzotzil. They had some familiar hymns like "Holy, Holy, Holy" and some other ones that my parents knew. Almost all the people were dressed in their traditional clothes. Also, they were seperated by men on one side and women on the other during the service.

  After a while my mom and I got to go to Sunday school with Carla, which was really fun. We sang "Jesus Loves Me" in English to see if anyone knew it. There were about 35 kids there, and they were sitting on long wooden benches. The benches were quite tiny and close together! The lesson was about Muslims and different facts about them. For example, they are called to prayer 5 times a day and they don't pray on their knees, but on the ground. The kids thought it was really funny when Carla acted that out. (We knew those facts, of course, because we had been in Turkey.)  We could pick out some of the stuff Carla was talking about from the hand motions she did, but otherwise, she talked all in Tzotzil. It was very cute after Sunday School because all the kids wanted their picture taken.

  After church, we went to two people's houses because they were sick and wanted to have someone pray for them. On the way back to San Cristobal, we stopped and got some wood for our fireplace. All in all, we were gone from "home" for 5 hours. Even though we didn't understand Tzotzil, we could still interact with each other. Of course we stood out with our height and our clothing. But we were also very welcomed.


  1. Rachel, I am so glad you are getting to experience the same culture your parents did years ago. It sounds like church and SS were a treat, so glad you are learning new stuff but also that you are so appreciative of what you are learning. The kids' picture is precious. Isn't it wonderful that missionaries long ago came to Chiapas and told the kids and their parents about the plan of salvation?

  2. Rachel,
    I remember the Sterks coming to our church when I was young and telling about the work they were doing in Chiapas. They seemed young then and now they are retired - I must be getting old! I can still recall some of their stories. It's great that you got to meet them and see them interact with the people there.

  3. Thanks again for sharing your posts, Rachel. I always feel as if I am right there along with you as you are having these new experiences. I'm so glad you are having the opportunity to see and hear and live in Chiapas like your older sisters did!
